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Definition of Resume in General


Actually, what is a resume? Understanding Resume is a summary or summary of a long article / essay that is trimmed by taking the main part and setting aside the details and illustrations.

Resume is an effective way to explain the essence or main point of an information to be conveyed to others. For example, a resume for a book or essay, a resume can explain the contents of an author's mind to be more concise.

The word "resume" is also often used in the world of work/career which is defined as a curriculum vitae, which is 
a document that summarizes a person's experience, expertise, and education in such a way. The purpose of making a job application resume is as information about a person's qualifications in a concise, concise, and clear manner.

Difference between Resume and Overview
It is not uncommon for us to equate a resume and an overview. Actually these two terms have different meanings from each other. Following are the differences :

1. Definition of Resume/Summary/Summary
Resume / summary / summary is the content of the main idea or essence of an essay / writing that is made in a shorter form. The content of a resume is no different from the main ideas contained in the original text.

2. Understanding Overview
Judging from its purpose, an overview is also a summary of an essay that is made shorter than the original. However, the overview does not maintain the order of the main ideas that make up the essay.
In other words, an overview can be made by someone according to his understanding of an essay. The summary maker can also use the words of his choice in explaining the essence of an essay that is read.

Making a resume is actually not too difficult because it is based on the original writing. The following are the steps to create a proper resume :

1. Read the Original Script
To know and understand the contents of the original manuscript of an essay, of course, we must read it to the end. Reading the original script/text repeatedly will make us understand what the author wants to convey.
In addition, there must be some words or terms in an essay that are difficult to understand. Creating a resume should also involve other resources in order to understand difficult words or terms.

2. Finding the Main Idea
After reading the essay / writing repeatedly, of course we will find the main idea or main idea of ​​the article. We need to note the main idea of the article in order to make an appropriate summary.
In an essay, not all paragraphs contain the main idea. Therefore, it is important to find the main idea on a regular basis so that the resume writing does not stretch.

3. Write a Resume
After finding the main idea of an essay, of course, we have an overview of the resume. It should be noted that to make a resume, it must be adapted to the original text / manuscript.
The use of words and sentences in the resume should also describe the content of the original text. However, we should not add personal opinions in the resume, especially if those personal opinions conflict with the original manuscript.
We recommend that your resume uses Indonesian language that is easy for anyone to digest. Although in the original manuscript there are many terms or words that are difficult to understand, we can write them in easier language on the resume.
In accordance with the understanding of the resume itself, the sentences in the resume do not need to be long-winded. Resume should be made in the form of a concise summary, but can represent the contents of the original manuscript.

4. Rereading the Made Resume
Furthermore, after the resume is completed, the resume builder must bring it back to check for any writing errors. Some things to check include :
  • Good and correct use of Indonesian
  • Use of correct spelling
  • Correct use of punctuation
  • Checking the suitability of the resume with the original manuscript.
original article click here

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