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Sukabumi Regency Pilkada Stages

 Cisitu Regional Election-Blog, after that yesterday in February we finished holding the presidential and vice presidential elections as well as the elections for the central DPR, Provincial DPR, Regency/City DPR.In the future, we are waiting for the election of the regent and deputy regent, in this article I want...


 On Christmas Eve, people walked with happy faces filling the road in the city.On the road there was a little girl wearing ragged clothes selling matches. "Want to buy matches?" "Mother, buy this match." "I don't need matches, because there are many at home." No one bought a match from the girl.However, if he comes...

Definition of Resume in General

 Actually, what is a resume? Understanding Resume is a summary or summary of a long article / essay that is trimmed by taking the main part and setting aside the details and illustrations.Resume is an effective way to explain the essence or main point of an information to be conveyed to others. For example, a resume...

Life process

Assalamualaikum, congratulations on carrying out the fasting of Ramadan, may we all get happiness and joy. See you again with the kampung cisitu blog, hopefully all friends are always in good health. In this article I want to write about how the life process is? In living this life there are various formation processes that we must pass. There...

Friends of Pets Many Benefits!

Assalamualaikum, hello best friend all good weekend. Having a friend to complain is certainly very fun right? Especially if the friend always wants to listen to you, never complains, and is always loyal by your side. Well, if you want to have friends with these criteria, being friendly with pets is the answer. Besides being fun, it turns out that...

The End Times Disaster Will Occur

Assalamualaikum, greet you again with the village cisitu blog, hopefully all friends are in good health. The explanation of the Prophet Muhammad concerning disasters is often associated with pre-conditions before the occurrence of the disaster. The history of Imam Atturmudzi's hadith, and the one who collected this hadith is the Alwalial annajdwi...
-15 hari -7 jam -36 menit -40 detik
Selamat Datang Ramadhan 2025

1 Maret 2025

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