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Life process

Assalamualaikum, congratulations on carrying out the fasting of Ramadan, may we all get happiness and joy.

See you again with the kampung cisitu blog, hopefully all friends are always in good health.

In this article I want to write about how the life process is?

In living this life there are various formation processes that we must pass.

There are those who have to go through various pressures of problems, face people - people who always blame or find fault, or face people who we think are very annoying.

All that will never be separated from everyday life.

Therefore we need to react as a process that will make us a better person.

It is like pure gold that requires smelting and goes through the heating process by fire, of course it is not easy as humans we go through it.
It can make us scream and can't stand it. Want to rebel and want to run it feels.
These negative feelings must be dealt with immediately if you want to go through the process well.
Know the principle, if we overreact, whether it's angry, upset, disappointed, and revenge, then the process will never be completed.
And it will repeat everywhere we go.

It takes courage to step every step of life.
Courage eases and provides balance in steps.
Because of that we need an optimism and confidence so that our hearts can move.
Courage will further strengthen our footprints on this earth.
That's why courage is the main capital in treading this life.

Eliminate any doubts because it will shake the balance.
Doubt will aggravate the step. Doubts will also hinder our steps which result in the unrighteousness of life.
Doubts arise because of our lack of confidence in what we will do.
We feel inadequate, feel we cannot solve the problems we will face.
Or also because we are afraid of falling. We worry too much about the consequences of our fall.
As a result, we often decide something without trying it first.
Finally we stop. We give up. We have been defeated by ourselves.
And we become cowards.

The main difference is not in the situation, but in our display devices. The same situation has happened to all of us.
We have all experienced a time when, even though it was planned and damaged, it still failed.

This challenging situation is not an event specifically reserved for poor, uneducated, or destitute people.
Both the poor and the rich have many problems.

Poor people and rich people have various household problems. Poor and rich people both have challenges, which can lead them to financial ruin and despair.

That means, not what happens that determines the quality of our lives, but what we choose to do when we have to struggle to develop the screen and then know, after maximum effort, that the wind has changed its direction.

When the wind changes, we also have to change. We must rise again and rearrange the screen in an attitude that will direct us to the destination we have set ourselves.

Screen devices, how we think and respond, have far greater ability to destroy our lives, than any challenges we face.

Various sources
May be useful.

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1 komentar:

  1. numpang share ya min ^^
    Hayyy guys...
    sedang bosan di rumah tanpa ada yang bisa di kerjakan
    dari pada bosan hanya duduk sambil nonton tv sebaiknya segera bergabung dengan kami
    di DEWAPK agen terpercaya di tunggu lo ^_^


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