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Friends of Pets Many Benefits!

Assalamualaikum, hello best friend all good weekend.

Having a friend to complain is certainly very fun right? Especially if the friend always wants to listen to you, never complains, and is always loyal by your side. Well, if you want to have friends with these criteria, being friendly with pets is the answer. Besides being fun, it turns out that having a pet also provides many benefits for your physical and psychological. What are the benefits?

1. Can help relieve stress
By spending time with pets, it helps reduce stress levels. This has been proven by research conducted by researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University. The study studied about 450 employees with 20 to 30 dogs in their offices. In the study it was found that employees felt a decrease in stress levels, and 1 in 4 employees reported experiencing increased productivity while working.

2. Helps fight feelings of loneliness and anxiety, can even reduce pain
A study shows that having a pet can reduce the loneliness a person experiences. In addition, having a pet can also keep people away from feeling rejected. Even you know if it turns out that animals are the best painkillers, especially for migraine sufferers and chronic muscle pain. This works like valium. By having a pet, anxiety and anxiety will decrease. If anxiety decreases, the pain and pain that is felt can also be reduced.

3. Helps improve the immune system
A study by the University of Wisconsin 's School of Medicine and Public Health found that a newborn child who has a pet dog at home is likely to avoid the risk of allergies compared to those born without a pet dog.

4. Keep yourself active
Pet owners will definitely exercise more or at least do physical activities that can make the body healthier. For example, if you have a dog, you will definitely be diligent in getting him out of the house to just walk around the complex. This activity is not only fun, but also forces you to continue to be active.

5. Lower blood pressure and avoid various risks of heart disease
Having a pet has the potential to lower blood pressure, especially in hypertensive patients. In fact, a study conducted by the University of Minnesota of 4,000 people said that having a cat as a pet is very good for heart health. The study found that the risk of suffering a heart attack would be 40% higher in those who did not keep cats.

It turns out that making pets as friends, besides being fun also has many benefits, both physically and psychologically. So, for those who do not have pets, they should immediately select and determine what animals they want to accompany your daily life. And for those of you who already have pet animals, let's share your fun stories with them here!

From various sources
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